Jean Stetz-Puchalski
Jean Stetz-Puchalski is a certified executive leadership coach and an organizational development consultant with over 15 years of experience cultivating and accelerating leader, team, and organizational development. Jean is often chosen by innovative organizations to evaluate, coach, train and advise highly-valued executives and emerging leaders.
Jean combines her study of workplace psychology, behavioral assessment, and adult developmental learning with a passion for coaching and leadership development. Through behavioral assessment, career development programs, and coaching, Jean fosters targeted personalized learning, growth and development. Her direct, compassionate, evidence-based approach enables clients to deliver a higher level of performance. This individual growth and change significantly and positively impacts team and organizational development. Leaders who succeed at work enhance overall performance and provide the competitive edge needed for organizational ecosystems to adapt and thrive. Jean’s ability to form supportive partnerships that capitalize on individual differences and the ability to strategically approach behavioral change is key to client success.
Jean holds a master’s degree in Applied Industrial Organizational Psychology, a Human Resources certificate, is a graduate of the Executive Coaching Academy, earned her coach certification through the Institute of Professional Coaching and holds the credential of Professional Certified Coach (PCC) and mentor coach through the International Coach Federation (ICF). Jean is certified to administer and interpret the leading assessment tools, use behavioral interviewing techniques and customized interview-based 360-degree feedback providing insight into individual, team, and organizational behavior. She is certified in the Energy Leadership Index (ELI-MP), Hogan Personality Assessments, the Mayer Savoy Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT), Whole Brain NBI™ Assessment (Neethling Brain Instrument Assessment), Oasis in the Overwhelm Stress Management Program, Strong Interest Inventory (career assessment), Meyers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator (MBTI), DISC, Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI), and The Leadership Circle 360 Profile, Manager Edition 360 Profile, Leadership Culture 360 Survey Certification, and Immunity to Change Mapping for Individuals and Teams.
Diane Kubal
Call: 630-222-9550
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