CAREER essentials is an innovative, personalized program that helps you grow and get clarity on what's next for you in your career. Our process enables you to align your natural talents with business goals, so you can have greater impact, increased job satisfaction and a road map fo rthe next step in your career within the company.
Pinpoint your unique abilities and align them to your work role
Get inspired to fully embrace your potential
Create greater impact through your contributions to the bottom line
"CAREER eessentials is a great program to start building on your leadership skills to determine what you’d like to do in your career, and it’s a great starting point for you and your manager. I was able to gain some knowledge about strengthening my leadership skills as well as determine development goals and next steps for my career path."
Navit Yahdav, Application Engineer
When you are excited about your future in your organization, you'll have greater job satisfaction and improved performance, making you and your organization more successful.
Our program is virtual, so you can access the learning 24/7, anytime anywhere.
The assessments in the program provide the guidance and direction you need to get to what's next!
"I gained greater clarity on how to apply my talents to my job, gathered information to know what is available, and got some good advice on how to grow within the company. I found it extremely insightful into my own strengths and enlightening around the talent alignment."
Nicole Harshbarger, Service Sales Engineer
Introductory webinar for your manager
90 minutes of virtual individual coaching*
4 hours of virtual group coaching
Online Career Drivers® and Enneagram assessments
Online Self-study exercises prior to individual and group coaching sessions
Email and web meeting access to a coach for 3 months
Interaction with your peers for input and recognition to encourage collaboration and networking
Pre and post program surveys to measure your growth
Online access to all assessments and individual and group coaching sessions
Social media group discussion tool moderated by coaches along with peer support
*Our FULL program provides 3 hours of virtual coaching and our ONE program is a complete 1-on-1 coaching program.
Special BP Pricing!
FREE access to CAREER essentials Step 1!
BP CAREER essentials LIGHT: $1997
BP Career Drivers and Enneagram assessments: $89
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